[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]

The CE Mesh is 20 years experience in IT sales - SoHo, SMB, SME, major Enterprises - Direct Sales, Direct Touch, 1Tier-, 2Tier-Channel Business, Reseller, Distributor, Vendor experience

The CE Mesh is 9 years IT-Security with solutions like Desktop/Endpoint Security (AV, FW, Encryption), Firewall/VPN, IDS/IPS, Mail-, Web-Security, Content-Security, HSM, Hosted Services

The CE Mesh is 12 years experience with US vendors and pan-european organisations

The CE Mesh is Business Development, Consulting, Marketing, Enterprise & Channel Sales Strategies

The CE Mesh is enthusiasm, passion and excellence

The CE Mesh is a network of sales, marketing, PR professionals

The CE Mesh is your bright step into a new market